Seven Reasons to Take More Space to Tame 

You know what? Our world really is wild, sometimes there is just no let-up. We are expected to be all things to all people… be the best, the brightest, the most beautiful. Always be on, never be off, keep up or get left behind. Do it faster, do it better, do it differently.

The truth is, there are more people pushing you to be busy than there will ever be pushing you to take it easy, but we know that taking time out is the only we way can bring ourselves back into balance. We are simply not designed to keep up this gruelling pace so, it’s more important than ever to find and take your Space to Tame. 

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one in your life. Studies have shown that having more me time (or taking some Space to Tame as I like to call it) has benefits such as increasing productivity, happiness, gratitude and empathy. Here are eight reasons why we should have more Space to Tame. 


Clear Thinking 

We live in an age of information overload, taking Space to Tame by removing yourself from your usual environment gives you the chance to see the bigger picture, focus in on what is important take the right actions. Put simply, it will help you think clearly on what is important, what needs to be done, when and in what order. 

Self Exploration

Taking time out will allow you to hear your own thoughts. Getting to know and understand your own wants and needs and what makes you happy is really important but something we all struggle to do. By focussing on yourself and not getting caught up in the day to day, you can get to know you. 


Taking Space to Tame can teach you that your happiness does not have to depend on other people. You can really enjoy being with you and when you get to like spending more time with you and really make friends with yourself, people will be drawn to your powerful, individual presence. 


For centuries, creatives have locked themselves away taking Space to Tame in a room/ to give their all to their work and the results have often been excellent. Cancelling out distractions and allowing your mind to explore and imagine can unlock a creative side you never knew you had.


Taking Space to Tame can allow you to get comfortable with who you want to be, not who others or society expect you to be. You can learn to develop your intuition, become more honest with yourself and be more authentic.


Embracing Space to Tame can make your life simpler as you don’t constantly need to be tied down to plans with other people just to keep yourself occupied. You can learn how taking on solitary tasks like reading, walking, breathing and just being still can make you feel great. 


The responsibility for your own happiness lies completely with you, if you can become happy in your own company, then you can look at everyone else that comes your way as a big beautiful bonus and you will appreciate those people (and yourself) more.