10 Top Tips for Better Sleep

There’s nothing more important than restful sleep for our body and mind. If you are struggling with sleep please check out these 10 tips below!

  • Get a daily dose of natural light: As well as making us feel good and giving us Vitamin D, natural light helps sync our internal clock.

  • Reduce artificial lighting at night: Keeping your lights on long into the evening can prevent your body from properly transitioning toward sleep.

  • Cut down on evening screen time: Phones and other devices are sources of excess mental stimulation and emit blue light that can affect your body’s natural rhythm. Try leaving electronics out of the bedroom and avoid an hour before bed.

  • Exercise: Regular exercise is good not only for your cardiovascular health but also for your sleep. Even mild physical activity like going for a walk can be beneficial, and it’s a great opportunity to get daylight exposure.

  • Have a bedtime routine: Consistent cues can play a powerful psychological role in routines. For this reason, try to follow the same steps each night before going to bed such as having a herbal tea, quietly reading or stretching, using a sleep spray, or playing mellow music on a timer. Over time, those actions become cues that tell you that it’s time for sleep.

  • Learn to Relax: Being able to relax both mentally and physically is a major contributor to falling asleep easily. Regardless of whether it’s meditation, yoga, listening to soothing music, reading, or another activity, make time in your bedtime routine for whatever relaxation method that allows you to wind down.

  • Micro naps only: Napping more than 30 minutes can prevent quality sleep at night and disrupt your sleep rhythm.

  • Limit alcohol and caffeine: Both alcohol and caffeine can be detrimental to a healthy sleep routine. Alcohol makes you sleepy but affects your sleep cycle, giving lower-quality sleep. Caffeine makes you wired and alert and can linger in your system, frustrating attempts to fall asleep at bedtime. Restrict these, especially in the late afternoon and evening.

  • Create a sleep haven: You want your bedroom to be inviting. Keep it tidy, get blackout blinds try to keep it quiet. to be quiet. A diffuser with soothing smells, like lavender, may promote relaxation and provide cues for sleep. Finding the best mattress, best pillow, and bedding can make your bedroom perfect for comfort and rest.

  • Beds are for sleeping: Other than adult activities Try to keep your bed reserved for sleeping, do no eating, working or watching movies in bed. Your body will get the cue that it’s time to sleep when you lie in your bed if you keep things consistent.